Monday, June 27, 2011

Making Your Laundromat More Comfortable With Stools

I was visiting my friend Jenny the other day and she was showing me her latest purchase of black leather bar stools for the bar area of her home.  I hopped up on one and quickly realized how comfortable if was and how nice it would be to have a comfortable stool to sit on while folding my clothes in a Laundromat.  I think of crAZy things like this all the time.

I asked my boss if anyone sold stools for Laundromats and he told me they were sold by a few companies, but not many had been installed in southern California.  Sol-O-Matic (or Caco) makes stools, and some people also buy regular commercial stools from a bar or nightclub supply vendor.

You want to make sure that the stools are rated for use in a commerical location and that they're either mounted to the floor or not so attractive that someone will want to steal them.  Being fully attended does discourage theft, of course, but not many Laundromat owners in my neighborhood fully attend their Laundromats.

Getting back to stools.  I guess the squishy seat was nice, but I'd be worried it could be vandalized or cut, so I'd go with a fiberglass seat like Sol-O-Matic sells or something that was very, very, very durable.  Put in some of these stools and you might see Jenny folding her clothes very soon.  :)

                                             -The Latina Laundromat Advisor

1 comment:

  1. This is a great blog. Do you do any advising on starting a new mat?

