Saturday, May 28, 2011

Laundromat Owners Need Certain Insurance Coverages To Satisfy Lease Provisions

Florita knows lease provisions
Two often overlooked items are detailed below.  Begin a review of your insurance by reading your lease and the lease requirements for insurance coverage.  My friend Florita knows a lot about insurance and lease provisions.  I got this picture of her during one of her "I know more than you do" sessions at a family party, but let's review what she told me about Laundromat insurance items that are often overlooked.

First, the lease can require a minimum rating for the insurance company or a minimum financial strength.  There are lots of items you can reduce but Landlord required insurance coverage is not one of them.

Second, insure you have parking lot insurance.  Although you may not own the parking lot, you will still be named in any lawsuit where someone gets hurt on broken pavement or trips on a laundry cart and tumbles to the ground.  You should protect your customers and this includes the pavement, lighting and monitoring of other dangers in your parking areas.

Remember to protect yourself by sending a certified letter to your Landlord asking they fix the problems including pavement repairs or exterior lights.  Use common sense and ask for police help when you see any type of danger inside your Laundromat or parking area and follow up with a written notification to your Landlord.

Florita is not only intelligent and pretty, she has a great sense of humor.  Except for biting her nails when she's stressed out, I don't see why she still hasn't found the right man.  I personally believe it's because she is holding out to meet a man who owns a Laundromat. :)

                               -The Latina Laundromat Advisor

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